Targeted Education

2025 UID March 10-13, 2025
Indianapolis, IN

“A huge thank you to FISA for providing me a scholarship opportunity to attend the University of Innovative Distribution (UID). After being in the hygienic process equipment industry for two years, I’ve had a number of learning “opportunities”. This week -long seminar was a great way for me to reflect on those moments, sharpen my skills on how to better provide value to my customers, and network with people that are in a similar position to me in other industries. Looking forward to applying what I’ve learned now.”

For FISA employees interested in advancing their careers in hygienic processing, there’s no better education than attending the University of Innovative Education (UID). This concentrated four-day educational program is focused on the unique needs of the industrial wholesale distribution industry. Known worldwide for excellence in education, UID is sponsored by a group of leading industrial distribution professional associations. Working together, these groups, including FISA, take great pride in providing a superior learning experience.

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