A Letter From Our Conference Chair

To FISA family, current, and future friends, Faith and I are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the 2024 FISA Annual Conference at the Coeur d’Alene Resort in Idaho. We attended the conference there in 2005 and are very much looking forward to returning. Coeur d’ Alene is a beautiful location and a first-class resort. I’m not a golfer but I’ve heard that the floating green golf course is something special. Make sure to plan a couple of extra days to explore the area and for those of you who are more adventurous, Glacier National Park is four hours away.

This year’s theme is “Navigating Transformation” with a focus on AI and Cybersecurity which is relevant for all of us in business and in our personal lives. We are excited about an array of outstanding speakers. We can look forward to hearing from Zack Kass on leveraging AI for good and from Dr. Scott Snyder on unlocking your digital advantage and what that can that mean for business? Mark Weatherington will bring us some much-needed perspective on cybersecurity. Mark is a retired Lt. General USAF where among other responsibilities, he was director of cyberspace operations NORAD and US Northern command.

For both distributor and manufacturer members, improving sales is a core issue. We look forward to a session by John Rosso who will help us look at selling in the 21st century and how to increase our effectiveness. Back by popular demand, Dr. Chris Kuehl will bring us his current view on the economy. I can’t wait to hear where he thinks we are heading about two months before election day. Motivational speaker, Kevin Brown, will wrap up the conference with a message about optimism, serving others, and the hero effect with no strings attached. As usual, all sessions will be open for everyone to attend.

Our first-time attendees will be warmly welcomed, and we encourage everyone to sign up for the activities because that is a fun way to meet fellow members. This Conference is a great networking opportunity so reach out ahead of time and set up meetings with potential new business partners. Ask Board members or other participants for introductions to help you meet people. After all, this is what FISA is all about…bringing people together, creating new relationships and strengthening existing partnerships. See you in Coeur d’ Alene.

Ola & Faith Wesstrom, Endress & Hauser

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